Ariën Artists - Eve-Maud HUBEAUX - English biography










In no time this multiple Prize Winner appeared repeatedly in major theatres such as the Paris opera houses: Bastille, Opéra Comique and Théâtre des Champs Elysées, next to the opera houses of Strasbourg, Lyon, Basel, Brussels, Montpellier, Lausanne, Frankfurt, Barcelona, Berlin and the Festivals of Aix-en-Provence, Luzern and Salzburg.

Latest achievements

The artist's exceptional talent was awared with the prestigious Herbert von Karajan Prize 2024 at the Salzburg Easter Festival 2024, where all eyes were on her role debut as Laura in La Gioconda (Ponchielli) under the baton of M° Antonio Pappano. Salzburg will also see her appearing at the Summer Festival in her debut as Clairon (Capriccio) under the baton of M° Christian Thielemann and as Reine Gertrude in Hamlet (Thomas) under Bertrand de Billy. Inbetween she will make her comeback at the Paris Opera house where she will make role debut in La Vestale in La Grande Vestale (Spontini).

Also noteworth are her recent comeback both at the Opera house of Vienna as Carmen (title-role) and Mère Marie de L’incarnation in Dialogues des Carmélites ; her house debuts at Staatsoper unter den Linden Berlin, Grand Théâtre Geneva and Staatsoper Hamburg with one of her "fetish roles : La Princesse/la Principessa Eboli,

Roles that made headlines

To start with her unforgettable first Eboli under Daniele Rustioni in the French version of Verdi's Don Carlos, stage directed by Christophe Honoré at the Opera house of Lyon. >> read the reviews ... followed by her debut as Léonor de Guzmanin Donizetti's La Favorite at Liceu Barcelona (house debut). But also her Baba the Turk in Stravinsky's Rake’s Progress directed by Lydia Steier at Theater Basel and her interpretation of both Scozzone in a live recording of Ascanio - a rarely performed opera by Camille Saint-Saëns and Dame Ragonde in Rossini's Comte Ory, under Louis Langrée (directed by Denis Podalydès) at Opera Comique Paris and ROH Versailles, were real events.

After the blank

first lockdown, Eve-Maud Hubeaux's season 2020/2021 started with an absolute triumph when debuting at the Vienna State Opera, as Eboli, at the side of Jonas Kaufmann as Don Carlos. She got the same lavish praise for her debut in the role Judith in Bela Bartok's Bluebeard's Castle atthe Opera house of Lyon. After the second lockdown another amazing challenge was waiting at the Paris Opera House Palais Garnier, where she created the role of Doña Prouhèze - the principal female character - in the world premiere Le soulier de satin - a six hours lasting opera - by and under the baton of the French composer Marc-André Dalbavie.

The artist made her debut at the Salzburg Festival in the role of La Sphinge in Georg Enescu's opera OEdipe. Subsequently she was invited by the George Enescu Festival, there alongside Les Talens Lyriques and M° Christophe Rousset Nerone (Agrippina) and Cornelia (Giulio Cesare) by G.F. Haendel. A fruitful match leading to a tour and a cd-recording of Isis by J.B. Lully (title-role). With alternately Haendel and Lully on the programme Eve-Maud Hubeaux and her colleagues appeared in Germany at Klangvokal Dortmund and the Haendel festival in Halle ; in France in Beaune, Ambronay, Théâtre des Champs Elysées and at the ROH of Versailles. Eventually the production of Isis was also invited for a guest performance at Theater an der Wien.

Equally at home in baroque as in the larger belcanto and romantic opera repertoires, she switched effortless to her debut as Suzuki (Butterfly) at the Paris Opera house and Isolier (Le Comte Ory) at the opera house of Toulon. In concert she appeared in Rossini's Messa di Gloria at La Seine musicale Paris upon invitation of Insula Orchestra and the Accentus Choir, under Speranza Scappucci.

2019 was also marked by her outstanding debut as Queen Gertrude in Hamlet (Ambroise Thomas) at Liceu Barcelona. A role in which she made her house debut at Deutsche Oper Berlin. Equally noteworthy were her Brangäne in Tristan und Isolde at La Monnaie Brussels and her interpretation of Verdi's Requiem under Teodor Currentzis' baton in Luzern (Easter Festival) and at San Marco Basilic in Milano, where the Requiem was ever premiered. The latter performance was recorded and broadcast Live ! on MEZZO.


This Autumn 2022 the artist was invited to sing the mezzo part in Verdi’s Requiem with MusicAeterna under Teodor Currentzis at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden and Konzerthaus Dortmund. Also noteworthy are her appearances in Mahler's 2nd Symphony under Karel Mark Chichon at Auditorio Alfredo Kraus in Las Palmas ; Matthijs Vermeulen's La veille at Vredenburg Utrecht with the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra  under Kevin J. Edusei and ROssini's Petite Messe solennelle at Capitole de Toulouse.

Amongst her current projects (2022), concerts at bozar Brussels and Salle Philharmonique Liège, followed by a CD-recording of César Franck's Béatitudes upon invitation of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Liège. After the recording of Rédemption - also by César Franck - his Béatitudes are the second production to which the RPO Liège wanted to associate the artist.  

During the Wagner anniversary year 2013, Ève-Maud Hubeaux toured both with l’Orchestre national d’Iîe de France under Enrique Mazzola and l'Orchestre symphonique de Mulhouse under Patrick Davin in Wagner's Wesendonck-Lieder. Other concerts include Bach's Matthew Passion with Brussels Philharmonic under Leo Hussain ; Janacek's Glagolitic Mass with Turku Philharmonic Orchesta under Ville Matvejeff ; again the Wesendonck-Lieder this time with the Chamber Orchestra of Geneva under Arie van Beek ; Berlioz' Les Nuits d'Eté with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Strasbourg under Marko Letonja... The artist's concert repertoire embraces furthermore : Dvorak's Requiem, Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde (which she recorded under Jean-François Verdier), Haendel's Messiah, Debussy's Le Martyre de Saint-Sébastien next to La mort de Cléopâtre (Berlioz) and Poème de l'Amour et de la Mer (Chausson).


Cradled from childhood by her inspiring teachers at “Institut Jacques Dalcroze”, Ève-Maud Hubeaux (born in Geneva), decided to pursue her musical education at the “Conservatoire de Lausanne” where she was taught piano with Daniel Spiegelberg and Georgy Popov. Attracted to opera, she started in 2001 her vocal education with Hiroko Kawamichi at the “Conservatoire de Lausanne”.  At the same time she earned a Master’s degree in Law, though driven by talent and passion she decided to focus completely on her singing career. She joined the opera studio of Colmar/Strasbourg, and from there developed the buildout of her international career.


Ève-Maud Hubeaux was awarded with the “Prix Jacquart” in 2004, Prix De

Crouzaz” in 2006, she was also granted a special Award for her great performance at the “Schlossoper Haldenstein Contest” and won 2 Prizes at the International Singing Competition Ernst Haefliger (2010/Switzerland) ; amongst them an engagement at the Operahouse of Bern. Furthermore she got a Special Grant for "Bayreuth 2011" presented by the Alsace Richard Wagner Association. June 2011, she won the "Prize of the Jury" as well as the "Prize of France Musique" (within Gaelle Le Gallic emission radio show"Génération Jeunes Interprêtes") at the international singing competition of Arles. The jury of the 66th Competition of Geneva recently awarded her the Special Wagner Prize « Cercle Romand Richard Wagner » for the best interpretation of a work by Wagner.  In April 2012 Ève-Maud Hubeaux was for the 2nd time awarded by the Jury of the "Pour-cent-culturel Migros Fondation" competition, besides a bursary, she was also called “Soloist of “Migros culture Percentage”, amongsts the highest and most prestigious awards in Switzerland. The same year she was called "Classical revelation 2012" by ADAMI, became finalist of the International Bellini Competition of Catania 2012 and got the 3rd Prize at the International Competition of Toulouse (2012) and at Premio Etta Limiti Opera in Milano (2013). Eventually she was awarded with the Second Prize and the Kirsten Flagstadt Festival Grant at the 32nd Hans Gabor Belvédère International Singing Competition at Muziektheater Amsterdam (July 2013) and was called by unanimity of the international jury Winner of the 5th Edition of the Renata Tebaldi Iinternational Competition. Beside the First Prize the jury at the Renata Tebaldi Competition awarded Eve-Maud Hubeaux as well with the Special Prize for the youngest participant.


For an overview and more detailed information regarding Eve-Maud Hubeaux's discography, please click here >>>

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